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Natura Siberica programmes

FRESH SPA by Natura Siberica is a feeling of harmony and unity with nature, which will accompany you throughout the time of the procedures. In the diverse climate of Siberia, from severe frosts to the scorching sun, lies an inexhaustible source of life, the power of which can be used in beauty and health rituals.

The particularity is that the carefully selected fresh ingredients for the procedure are mixed immediately before it starts, taking into account your individual wishes.

We will create a programme tailored to you and offer home care products and a prolonged effect of the SPA procedures, which are performed in the salon.

FRESH SPA by Natura Siberica is an immersion in an atmosphere of health and beauty.

Discover the harmony of your body and soul with the help of natural ingredients – wild berries and herbs, magical Siberian stones with their own healing powers.

  • Face treatments
  • Face masks
  • Body treatments
  • Body Scrub
  • Body mask
  • Milk nourishing bath «Elk Milk»
  • «Altay banya steam bath» treatment
  • «Natura Siberica» Hair mask


Duration, minutes

Cost, RUB.

Natura Siberica Face treatments
«Kamchatka algae» lifting treatment 90 8,000
«Golden Mumiyo» Active restorative treatment 90 8,000
«Taimen Caviar» Anti-aging treatment 90 8,000
Natura Siberica face masks (scrub, gommage, peeling)
«Natura Siberica Kamchatka algae» Face mask 20 1,500
«Natura Siberica Golden Mumiyo» Face mask 20 1,500
«Natura Siberica Taimen Caviar» Face mask 20 1,500
«Natura Siberica Sapropel» Face mask 20 1,500
«Natura Siberica Honey-Cedar» Face mask 20 1,500
«Natura Siberica Algal» Face mask 20 1,500
«Natura Siberica» Facial Peeling 10 1,500
«Natura Siberica» Gommage scrub 10 1,500
«Natura Siberica» Scrub 15 1,500
Natura Siberica Body treatments
«Wild Berries» Shaman tonic treatment 150 10,500
«Treasures of Altay» Modelling treatment 150 10,500
«Elk Milk» Restorative treatment 150 10,500
«Living Algae» Anti-cellulite treatment 150 10,500
«Taimen Caviar» Anti-aging treatment 150 10,500
«Golden Mumiyo» Rejuvenating treatment 150 10,500
«White Shaman» Male restorative treatment 150 10,500
Natura Siberica Body Scrub
«Wild Berries» Body scrub 20 2,600
«Treasures of Altay» Body Scrub 20 2,600
«Elk Milk» Body scrub 20 2,600
«Living Algae» Body scrub 20 2,600
«Taimen Caviar» Body scrub 20 2,600
«Golden Mumiyo» Body scrub 20 2,600
«White shaman» Body scrub 20 2,600
Natura Siberica body mask (body wrap)
«Wild Berries» body wrap 20 3,900
«Treasures of Altay» body wrap 20 3,900
«Elk Milk» body wrap 20 3,900
«Living Algae» body wrap 20 3,900
«Taimen Caviar» body wrap 20 3,900
«Golden Mumiyo» body wrap 20 3,900
«White shaman» body wrap 20 3,900
Natura Siberica procedures
«Elk Milk» Milk nourishing bath 30 2,000
«Altay banya steam bath» treatment 120 10,500
«Natura Siberica» Hair mask 20 3,000

*You can additionally purchase Natura Siberica product for personal use.